These terms and conditions of use are only applicable to each service on the website that is operated and managed by Sound Box.
By using these services, customers acknowledge accepting all these terms, and these terms also apply to all customers.
Using the Service
1. Customers can use Sound Box in accordance with this term.
2. Customers take on every responsibility for the information that customers send through Sound Box, and may not bother and damage Sound Box.
3. By using Sound Box, when damaging third party or causing trouble with them, customers are supposed to pay for the damage, or to solve the trouble by their own responsibility and expenses, and may not bother and damage Sound Box.
4. If violating the term and damaging Sound Box, customers acknowledge paying for the damage.
Copyright and Others
1. Customers are prohibited from using or updating the information provided through Sound Box without the consent of copyright holders, which is except for customers’ personal use admitted by the copyright laws.
2. All of the contents, logo marks, buttons & icons, graphics, characters, pictures, edited data, program and others are the properties of Sound Box or the contents’ providers. They are protected by the copyright laws.
3. Sound Box provides the service such as BBS which any customers can access.
If the copyright laws and others appear on the contents provided by the customers, all these rights belong to Sound Box. Customers understand and agree that Sound Box edit these contents, print them on newspapers and magazines, and publish them as the publications. Customers would not have the Moral Rights enforced against such contents.However, this is not the case that Sound Box promises to allow the customers to use these contents.
4. When the troubles on Intellectual Property Rights such as Copyright Laws and others occur, customers understand and agree to solve the troubles with their own expenses and responsibilities, and not to cause any damage against Sound Box.
Control of the Information
1. When finding out that the information and the sentences which customers register or supply are applicable to the following headings, Sound Box can remove these sentences.
(1) In a case that is necessary for Sound Box to keep the system.
(2) In a case that the volume of the information and the sentences exceed the torage capacity of the main computer of Sound Box.
(3) In a case that the information and the sentences are under the apprehension of prejudicial to public moral.
(4) In a case that the information and the sentences are appeared on Sound Box for longer than specific period of time.
2. Sound Box does not have an obligation to delete the information and the sentences for the headings above. In addition, Sound Box does not take on any responsibilities for the damages occurred on the customers and the third party due to the fact that Sound Box delete or does not delete the information and the sentences according to the headings above.
Prohibited Matters
1. When using Sound Box, Customers agree not to do the following matters:
(1) The behavior that violate or is under the apprehension of violating the property rights, privacy and other rights of other customers, the third party and Sound Box.
(2) The behavior that is prejudicial to public moral, the behavior of crime, or the one that is under the apprehension of these matters.
(3) Electoral, political and religious campaigns and the like.
(4) The behavior of supplying the information that is against fact and public moral , or that is under apprehension of the preceding matters to Sound Box or the third party.
(5) The behavior aiming at profit-making or aiming to prepare for the profit through or related to Sound Box without the permission of Sound Box.
(6) The behavior of hindering and libeling the management of Sound Box.
(7) The behavior of hindering and libeling the business of Sound Box.
Disclaimer of Liability
1. There is no guarantee for its integrity, accuracy, certainty and serviceability about the contents of this service and the information that the customers get through Sound Box.
2. Unless it is specifically provided on this term or other rules, Sound Box does not take any responsibilities for the damage of the customers based on the specific reasons, lost profits, and the claim of the compensation for the damages from the third party. |